As part of our strategy for constructive process digitalisation, we developed an Intelligent Platform for Land Movement that can carry out comprehensive control and monitoring of the equipment involved in the land movement, to optimise operations and improve the productivity of any project. The benefits of this development include real time asset viewing, advanced production and performance calculations and analysis, alerts and reporting, progress monitoring, and more.
For its part, our Tunnel Boring Control Centre, with the capacity to collect information from more than 65,000 sensors every 250 ms (milliseconds), allows us to simulate the tunnel machine's progress, perform predictive maintenance, get real time operation reports and get TBM trace history.
We innovate with a new short-range (4 m) geological survey technique for tunnels with TBM. This allows us to reduce geological uncertainty by viewing results in real time, without any impact on the tunnel machine's productivity.
In tunnels, we also innovate by designing and patenting a laser to avoid over-digging in conventional tunnel boring and to adjust the excavation section to the project's design section. In real time, the laser continuously projects and geo-references the excavation section over the front of the tunnel. This enables up to 65% improvement in digging accuracy and reduces cost overruns in materials, time and personnel.
Our collaboration with startups also allows us to incorporate new skills more quickly. One of the projects developed as part of the I'MNOVATION Startups programme used drones in tunnels to optimise and digitise the construction process. Using different sensors on board, we obtain volumetric calculations, 3D modelling for later integration into BIM models, and track work and safety conditions for employees. The use of drones also allows us to simultaneously use other outdoor applications such as landfill calculation, site control and photogrammetry.