Social Impact Management (SIM)
ACCIONA has its own methodology for identifying, assessing and managing all impacts derived form its business.
A key tool for measuring and improving the environment and communities with which we assess impacts, common but adapted to the corporation's business and based in all the countries where we work.
The corporation's own methodology is based on international standards and these four main phases:
- Social risk characterisation: Study of the degree of the project's social risk by characterising the social risk from the design and tender phase.
- Social evaluation of the project: Analysis of the sociodemographics of the population in the project's area of influence, identification and assessment of the prositive or negative social impacts and preparation of a proposal of social measures.
- Communication and dialogue with the communities: Depending on the type of project, lines of communication or dialogue are set up with the local communities and other stakeholders in order to inform them about the project, its main impacts and the social measures that are going to be carried out.
- Implementation and monitoring of measures: Launch of the measures identified to prevent and mitigate any negative social impacts and to bolster the positive impacts.

We have been working for over 9 years on the management of the positive and negative impacts caused by our activities, beyond the legal and contractual requirements.
Key figures
projects with GIS methodology
countries with social initiatives
Management of social impact in our projects
ACCIONA considers the management of the social impact of its projects and services to be one of the strategic issues within its sustainable business model.
- Social Impact Management - Mt. Gellibrand Wind Farm
- Social Impact Management - Chiripa Wind Farm
- Social Impact Management - Puerto Libertad Photovoltaic plant
- Social Impact Management - Reynosa Wind Farm (Spanish only)
- Social Impact Management - Kathu Solar Park (Spanish only)
- Social Impact Management - Redevelopment and infrastructure of Barcelona (Spanish only)
- Social Impact Management - Quito Metro (Spanish only)
- Social Impact Management - DWTP Los Angelinos
- Social Impact Management - Business activities in Lima (Spanish only)
- Social Impact Management - WWTP in Ecuador (Spanish only)
- Social Impact Management - DWTP Los Angelinos
- Social Impact Management - Hamad Medical Corporation
Maximizing the value of our projects
Enhanced impact solutions
Infrastructures that drive a more sustainable development.
ACCIONA seeks to maximize the sustainable impact of its projects. In line with this vision, the company has designed its Enhanced Impact Solutions: business solutions that include additional projects implemented by ACCIONA during the execution of the main project to generate an additional positive social and environmental impact.
This solution improves the living conditions of the population and/or the environment, considering not only the direct impact of the infrastructure itself but, above all, the additional indirect impact on the environment closest to the infrastructure or service provided.
ACCIONA manages to accelerate the achievement of the objectives of the 2030 Agenda through additional activities that increase its impacts, in line with key three principles:
- Rigorous analysis of local reality
- Real tangible improvements
- Cooperation with third parties