Nuestras soluciones y áreas de actividad
La compañía es líder en el desarrollo, ingeniería, construcción, operación y mantenimiento de activos renovables, con un modelo de crecimiento garantizado en el tiempo con 1,2 GW en construcción, que se focaliza en las tecnologías con mayor grado de madurez y competitividad –eólica y solar fotovoltaica–. En 2018, ACCIONA ha aumentado en un 10 % la producción consolidada en propiedad con la entrada en operación de nuevos activos.
ACCIONA se posiciona como un actor clave para frenar los avances del calentamiento global y fomentar la transición hacia un modelo energético descarbonizado.
También ha habido nuevas adjudicaciones en mercados incipientes que abren nuevas oportunidades de negocio para la compañía. Durante este año, ACCIONA ha incrementado considerablemente su base de clientes, a los que les ofrece diversas soluciones y productos energéticos: energía limpia, potencia, certificados verdes, almacenamiento, trazabilidad del origen, generación distribuida, etc.
Areas of activity
We develop energy projects all over the world
Highlighted energy projects
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Ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all
1 in 8 people still do not have access to electricity. In order to ensure access to affordable, reliable, sustainable and modern energy for all, it is necessary to increase the use of renewable energy from 25 % today to 38 % in 2025.
ACCIONA is positioning itself as a key player in addressing the growth in energy demand while curbing the progress of global warming and promoting the transition to a decarbonized energy model.
Decent work and economic growth
Promote sustained, inclusive and sustainable economic growth, full and productive employment and decent work for all
The continuing lack of decent work opportunities, insufficient investment and low consumption lead to an erosion of the basic social contract underlying democratic societies: the right of all to share progress. The creation of quality jobs remains a major challenge for almost all economies.
To achieve sustainable economic development, societies must create the conditions for people to access quality jobs, stimulating the economy without damaging the environment. There must also be employment opportunities for the entire working-age population, with decent working conditions.
Make cities and human settlements inclusive, safe, resilient and sustainable
Today, cities represent 3 % of the planet's surface and concentrate more than 50 % of the population. This will increase to 70 % by 2050. In addition, cities generate more than 80 % of the world's gross domestic product (GDP).
In addition to facilitating access to essential services for life - such as energy and water - ACCIONA contributes to making cities productive places to live, favouring people's socio-economic development.
Responsible production and consumption
Ensure sustainable consumption and production patterns
Sustainable consumption and production is about promoting the efficient use of resources and energy, building environmentally friendly infrastructure, improving access to basic services and creating green, fairly paid jobs with good working conditions.
All of this translates into a better quality of life for all and, moreover, helps to achieve overall development plans that lower economic, environmental and social costs, increase competitiveness and reduce poverty.
Take urgent action to combat climate change and its impacts
The generation and use of energy is responsible for 74 % of total greenhouse gas emissions in the world. This activity is the largest contributor to global warming. Investment in renewable energy, energy efficiency and other low carbon technologies will continue to be essential to meet the new needs of humanity and to minimise their negative impact on the environment.
ACCIONA considers the fight against climate change and its related effects to be a strategic priority. The Company is working to mitigate greenhouse gas emissions in order to contribute to the progress of society and respond to the main challenges of sustainable development in the areas of infrastructure, water and energy, leading the transition to a low-carbon economy.
Energy data
Capacity and Production
ACCIONA is the world's largest operator in 100 % clean energy, with more than 10 GW installed in the main renewable technologies. We generate clean energy without contributing to global warming and using sources endogenous to each territory, which reduces energy imports.
Our priority
ACCIONA's permanent concern and commitment to the health and safety of our people and collaborators is a differentiating element and an indispensable requirement. We pursue the zero-incident objective through the most rigorous prevention measures.